Core Value # 10: Wise enlightened ones exist
If someone whose mind has been illuminated by a proper understanding of the nine previous sorts of core value has the chance to meet up with a wise ‘good friend ‘ [kalyanamitta], they will appreciate how the level of illumination in their ownn mind has increased as the result of behaviour.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- The Second Group of Blessings
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Turning towards wholesomeness
What is the cause of selfishness in a human being? Also, how should I behave towards selfish colleagues?
The Morning Alms Round at the court around Thao Suranari Monument
The Morning Alms Round to 22,600 Monks at the court around Thao Suranari Monument.
Meditation Class for Locals // July 13, 2016 - DMC Chicago, USA
On Wednesday July 13, 2016, DMC Chicago organized their weekly meditation class for locals.